Thursday, February 19, 2009
Yikes!I know I didn't blog for a long time!Apologies for that! >< I've been having fever since Monday and I still feel unwell till today.I didn't go to school on tuesday and I missed quite a lot.
I realised I've been lagging a lot...Lol and I like slack the most as compared to my classmates which is bull.Oh well,I hope I can catch up and stuff. =D
Past few days were argh.Partially cause I'm still recovering from my sickness and I'm feeling really drowsy.Another reason is cause I'm probably not used to the JC system yet.Lol.
I would like to thank my friends for being really caring and for being there for me =) I really appreciate it =) I promise that I'll find some way to repay you =) I also wanna thank my 'angel' (it's a school thing) for giving me Chrysanthemum tea =)
Oh well gtg.I'm having a really terrible headache right now. =( I'll try to blog more frequently though =)
He missed @
6:49 PM
Today was the beginning of the orientation.The fun part.
I was in a group called Gloria 2 and basically it's also my class for the next 2 years aka 0905.I really like the people in my class cause they are not extremists in the sense that they're neither overhyper nor super anti-socials.It's like a class that I can relate to.I made quite a lot of friends too.There's Isabelle,Gloria,Hasiqah,Ken Yin,Hui Yin,Adeline,Nydia,Lynn and Chee Kit.I think that's about it. Oh yeah FYI,my class has 26 people.11 guys and 15 girls(I think).And that's considered big for a class in JC.
Well basically we had a lot of fun and games today.Ok not really a lot but reasonable.It's more of ice-breaking.I guess you could say that the main activity for today was the mass dance.
The mass dance was wow.Since there were almost the same number of girls and guys,we had to pair up and dance.So I paired with this guy(dunno his name... Sorry =P) and it was kinda hilarious cause there was very little space to dance properly and we kept hitting the couple in front or behind us.It was also freaking exhausting cause we just finished our games and activities.We danced for 2 hours and that marked the end of day 1's orientation.
We'll be going to Sentosa tomorrow for day 2's orientation.Hopefully this will be fun as well.Sorry I know my posts are rather short but I'm really tired nowadays so I try to make it as short as possible so that I can rest later on.Hehe =P
He missed @
6:55 PM
Kay this is what happened during the past few days.
ThurLol we already had two subjects that day.GP and something.Lol.
FriOk besides the lessons part Patricia and I went for NY's band practice at 3+.They were having sectionals so we were separated to different rooms.And I can tell you right now,the flute section guys are super hyper.SUPER hyper.Especially this person called Shaun.Lol his jokes are kinda funny =P Anyway the flute section is nice.Just that I'm not so used to hyper people.
At 7.25 we had to report back to the band room to have a combined practice.I love the conductor's accent.Lol.Anyway,we ended at like 8+ I think.Then Pat and I checked our class.I was in 0905.I'm in the class as Shabnam which was great.Too bad the rest weren't in the same class as us.Otherwise that would be awesome.
This week's gonna be the actual orientation where we get to play games and stuff I think.I hope it's gonna be fun.
He missed @
4:33 PM
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Last 2 days was something.
Let's see.Besides the lectures yesterday,Patricia,Jill,Shabnam and I stayed back to check out the Chinese Orchestra.But we just took a glance cause we didn't wanna go inside the room.We stayed till like 4+ and went home after that.
Today we saw performances by three performing arts,namely the band,choir and the dance society.Then there were talks and stuff and we proceeded to the GP lecture.After which we went to the computer lab to check out a few things.According to the teacher,they posted our subject combinations on the website already.But I don't know if it's just the subjects we chose or if it's already confirmed by the school.Oh yeah,I love the printer in the computer lab.It's fast and can print two sides of one paper without having you turn over every darn paper all the time and printing the other side of the page.We also paid using our EZ link card which is kinda cool except I still have to pay adult's fare for whatever freaking reason until 14th Feb.
Then there was this meeting for pupils who were previously in dance,band,CO,Gu Zheng,choir and drama in their secondary schools.So Pat,Shab,Jill and I went to the LT and apparently,they were hoping that we could join the same CCA in the JC since this year's the upcoming SYF.And,well,I signed up for band.The thing is,I have a very strong feeling that I'm gonna suck there cause the people there are mostly like way better than me by a long shot.What's more,NYJC's band won a gold in the previous SYF which is =O and the way they played today was =( ) Hell.
Oh well,that's about it I guess.I reallly tired these few days so I won't post so much.In fact,I won't post so often with the situation now.I'll try though,but I can't guarantee.
He missed @
6:39 PM
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
I'm reaaalllyy exhausted today.I don't know why but I just am.So I'm gonna make this pretty short.
Basically,today was the beginning of lectures.We had H2 Bio,H2 Chemistry and H1 Chinese.(I mean,those were the ones I attended).And that was it.Went home with Jill at about 1.30.We went to get our EZ link cards extended first.But for some reason,I couldn't extend mine immediately.If I heard correctly,I would start paying student's fare only 1 or 2 days later or something.Not very sure.
Gonna hve GP,H2 Maths and H2 Econs tomorrow;GP and H2 Chemistry on thurs and H2 Maths,H2 Bio,H2 Econs,H1 Chinese,GP and PE on friday.By the way,it's not confirmative that I'm taking these subjects.It's just something like a trial so that we understand more about the subjects.But frankly I don't see the point cause we already submitted our options for subject combinations today.Whatever lah.
Oh yeah,the school's lecture theatre 4 is very huge and cool.It can hold up to 600 people.NYJC has a total of 4 LTs.The 4th one is the largest.The rest are of the same size and they look smaller than the one in MFSS.But the 4th one blew me away anyway,so heck yeah!
Gonna watch TV now.See ya!
He missed @
7:45 PM
Alright...So today was my first day at NYJC.
Met Jill at the bus stop outside my place at like 6.40.Took 162 and blah blah blah.The bus we took to school had quite a lot of secondary school students.And not surprisingly,they all alighted at the bus stop outside NYJC.
Today wasn't really all about fun and games.In fact,I don't think this entire week will be all about fun and games.It's called an academic orientation.So yeah.We'll be attending lectures this entire week.Boo.
And I realise that JC life is pretty care-free in the sense that you don't always have lessons at a certain time unlike secondary school.It's like,even though your friend whose taking a different subject combination as you is having lessons now,you might not be having any lessons at all cause there are no lectures or tutorials at that time.So basically,you have to self-study.You have to be independent in other words.
Another thing.You don't necessarily have to report at the same time.For example,if you do not have lectures/tutorials from 7.30-8.30 on a Monday,Wednesday or Friday,then you can report to school at 8.30.But if you do have lessons,you have to report by 7.30.On Tuesdays and Thurdays,if you have lectures.tutorials from 7.30(I think)-9 you can report to school by 9.And blah blah blah.Just in case you're wondering,flag-raising and pledge taking is done at 8.30 on Mon,Wed and Fri and at 9.00 on Tues and Thurs(Only pledge taking is done on these 2 days I think).
It sounds kinda weird right?I feel the same way.I hope I can cope with JC.
Anyway,today was basically about the subjects offered at NYJC.The Principal also gave his speech(expected).I also saw a lot of familiar faces.Obviously Jill was one of them.Then there's Shabnam,Patricia,Erica,Simon,Bryan,Fang Yin,Chong Junn,Yuxi,Chee Chiang,Kelvin Lee,Donald,Josiah,Sarah and Lynda.Peck Hui and Fiona were supposed to be there but I didn't see them.Haha I probably just missed them since there were like so many people there(Jill and I calculated.There's supposed to be about 792 people there).I also saw some primary school friends like Brenda and Tracy.It's nice to see familiar faces =)
We were separated into OGs(I dunno what they stand for,but basically,they're just groups).I was in OG 28.We were all separated.But thank goodness Jill and Patricia were sitting beside me(their OGs were only 1 number apart from mine).We were taken to a tour around the school.Their campus is huge.We went to the library aka the Drum(due to its exterior shape I think).Then we went to the Science Blocks and the CCA/Fitness or Sports Blocks.I'm already pretty familiar with the school since I've been there quite a few times for the Immersion Program.But still,it's huge and I'm not surprised if I got lost.
We went back to the hall and the teachers told us about the subjects NYJC offered.And that's about it.Lol there was this boy who was taking off his jacket in the hall.Unfortunately his uniform kinda hugged onto the jacket and his shirt got pulled along.So when I accidentally turned my head to look the first thing that came to my mind was that he was gonna strip in front of hundreds of people.LOL then Jill saw it too and we were laughing hysterically.A nice way to end the day.
Oh yeah.We were told that we could renew our EZ link card so that we only have to pay the student's fare.And that we'll be refunded for paying the adult's fare so far with our card.I know this applies to JC students.I forgot about those who are going to Poly =P My apologies.
These are some pics I took there.There's only 3 cause we were moving most of the time.And it was really sunny that day so I couldn't really take a good picture.

Well I gtg select my subject combinations.Really having a difficult time since we have till tomorrow at 1pm.And since we have to go to school tomorrow,we have to finalize everything by today.Hope I make the right choice and not stress myself out again -.-
He missed @
2:30 PM
I haven't gotten ready for school!!I still need to cut my hair(never cut since somewhere during O levels),get a new schoolbag(the rest all got lobang liao) and get new shoes(my shoes have been massacred by my dogs).#$^$%^$%^#$%#*(*))#@@#$.
Still wondering what CCA to join when I get into JC.Concert band?Maybe...CO?(My mandarin sucks so bleh).Nevermind.When they have their CCA orientation,I'll decide seriously then.If I'm not wrong,I realise that the JCs in Singapore don't have any uniform groups.Well,it doesn't bother me cause I don't think I wanna join any UGs anyway =P
Oh,as requested by Lijing,I shall post some pictures of my dogs! =D
A brief introduction.I have 3 dogs.A pomeranian named Lucky and 2 golden retrievers named Casey and Rof.Lucky's the oldest but the smallest.He's like 8-9 years old this year.I bought 2 poms and Lucky was born.FYI,those 2 poms already passed away a few years ago.I bought Casey 2 years ago,so she's the youngest at 2 years old.She's medium sized.My dad's colleague couldn't keep Rof,so he gave him to us.Reason is cause he got a complaint from the AVA that he's keeping a golden retriever in his HDB flat.(You can't keep big sized dogs in apartments)We dunno his age though,but he should be like 4-5 years old this year.He's the largest among my 3 dogs.Oh yeah,Casey's the only female.The rest are guys.And Rof ain't neutered.So LOL.
Anyway enough yapping,here are my dogs! XD
All 3 of them!!On my bed!! =OYeah if you've already noticed,they're all of the same fur colour.What's more,my school uniform is also of an identical colour.Lol.
And yeah,I spoil them a lot.But I love them so much.Haha!They're so cute!! X3
Oh yeah.Random.Yesterday I went to Bras Basah Swee Lee to buy a new instrument.It's not a flute but something else.I've always wanted to play a new instrument.In sec 1,I told Mr Tan I wanted to be in percussion.Then he said that too many people wanted to go to percussion,and anyway since I already know how to play the flute,why not stick with it?So now I'm playing a totally new instrument by myself.Tough luck,but I'll try.Anyway,even if I joined the concert band,I would probably stick to flute so I might as well pick up the new instrument myself.Clue:It's an instrument with reed.Go figure.
I also went to 'fetch' a friend from HabourFront.Went to give him his overdue Xmas present.He thought it was a bomb since it had a ticking noise.Well,it's a watch.Sorry to disappoint you.Lol.
Well,that's about it.I have to prepare for tomorrow I guess.Haha.All the best to those who also have to prepare for school tomorrow!Hope I can wake up in time.And the fact that a lot of people's EZ link cards already expired yesterday,well,good luck to them.Don't get me wrong,I'm also travelling by bus to and fro school and my EZ link card expired too.Lol let's see what happens.This should be fun.
He missed @
10:19 AM