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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Ok...I know I didn't post in a looong time.So here goes:

1)Yeah NYSB got a GOLD for this year's SYF!Haha so glad! =) Before the results we were all like omg omg omg.But we waited a super long time before the judges came down to announce the results.So we were playing pictionary on Juliana's handphone and before we knew it they announced the results!Haha we definitely deserved it!We all worked hard and stuff so yeah haha!I was kinda sad after that though,coz I (believed it or not) missed the SYF process even though it was tough and stressful.We were all working hard together and even though there were conflicts here and there we stuck together through thick and thin =) It was an enjoyable experience and I really liked my flute section a lot too!Haha and it will be my last SYF forever(unless I retain and stuff).It was my 3rd SYF participation too.Enjoyed all of them.

2)My trip to Europe was NOT cancelled so I went to places like Paris,Switzerland and Germany during the 1st week of June after my general paper exam(which was horribly fantastic).All I can say is that the trip was AWESOME!I went to many landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower,Arc de Triumph,Lourve Museum and Notra Dame in Paris,Jongfraujoch,Matterhorn and Mt. Titlis in Switzerland(all of them are mountains) and the Black Forest in Germany.These are just some of the places I can remember we went to.Apparently the sun sets at 9.30pm and rises at 3-4am in Europe since they're having summer.And the temp's like 15-24 degree Celsius in the day and less than 10 in the night.We bought lots of stuff esp chocolates since Swiss chocs are famous and we bought stuff like cuckoo clocks and what not.The stuff there are not really cheap,esp when they are not stuff like designer bags,wine,chocs and watches.Other than those items mentioned,other stuff in Europe are more expensive.A bottle of coke costs S$8 in Europe cause part of the cost goes to recycling.I bought this wallet for about S$220 in Europe when the same wallet costs S$500+ back here in Singapore.I'll elaborate more about the trip some other time.

3)Now it's the school holidays.3rd week of the school hols to be exact.And I haven't really started studying yet!Ok,I started studying...But 2 chapters of Econs in 3 days?Isn't that a wee bit too slow?But I dunno why I don't feel so stressed out yet.I haven't 'woke up' yet I guess...I guess it's good to be relaxed and stuff but I hope I don't get too complacent.I remembered not too long ago I was pulling out my hair about school,wanting to kill myself and transferring out to poly or even migrating.Haha but look at myself now.I'm the total opposite.Just sitting there waiting for something bad to happen to me.Probably can't be bothered anymore.

Oh well I better sign off now.Good nite~

He missed @
11:13 PM

Friday, May 1, 2009

I haven't been elaborating much on stuff nowadays.So here goes.

I'm gonna miss so many lessons this week and next week.I missed lessons yesterday due to the Ideas in Action interview.It was freaky even though I wasn't one of the presenters.But still,it was a great experience and I can safely say that I bonded with my fellow group members.I'm also gonna miss lots of lessons due to the SYF band next week.Gosh how time flies.There were so many things to do.Had to stay back till 7 yesterday for Group Project Proposal with my group members for PW and have to use the free time I have these few days to complete my undone homework(which is a lot).

And thanks to the swine flu my trip to Europe might be cancelled.I feel for the group of people who were supposed to go to New York from my school cause if I'm not wrong their trip has already been cancelled.

And I got back all my lecture tests.Failed half of them,which is 2 out of 4.Well I can safely say that I DESERVED to fail cause I didn't study for it at all.Have to change my attitude soon cause I dun wanna retain in JC1.My maths was disgusting,chem was pretty good,bio was unexpected in a good way and thank goodness I passed my econs(a lot of ppl failed for this one).Hopefully after SYF I'll buck up...But with NYAA it's gonna be pretty tough.

Oh well i gtg do homework now if I wanna enjoy my weekend(even though i dun really have a weekend).Cya~

He missed @
9:59 AM

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Isn't it sad?When you worked so hard for one and a half years...Just to lose to someone who only needed one week to get what you wanted so badly... And you didn't even get what you've been working so fucking hard for...

But like what my friends said, it's time to let go..It's just not worth it.Focus on your studies,CCA,family and friends. Isn't family and friends all we need to make us happy after all? They'll always be there for us no matter what. We're students.We're here to study,make friends and have fun(CCA,camps and other activites organized by the school which they deemed fun).I believe I'm not missing out anything. I think you should know where I'm getting at.

Anyway school was the same. Yesterday was College Day, which is something like Speech Day(actually it's the same,except no uniform groups whatsoever). The band had to perform our SYF pieces and the College Song. It was funny cause no one sang while we played.

Speaking of which,SYF's on 7th May,which is freaking near. But we'll have to give it our very very best.

Well I gtg.Got band prac later.Cya ~

He missed @
7:40 AM

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Another sucky week.Got throat infection and cough.Lost my voice.

Got back a lot of results.Both crappy and above my expectations.

I realised that one good way to be more positive about JC life is just to think in the long run.First,think about the June holidays.Then,the completion of PW and other upcoming 'holidays' and of course,the END of A levels!And we'll have a few months of break again.

Almost half the year's gone.It's like mid-April now.Come on,just a few months more!!

PI sucks.PW sucks.Who ever thought of this wonderful subject is definitely just as wonderful.

And please don't scream at people when they make mistakes.Do it the more civil way.Talk nicely and politely with respect,and people will return this respect to you.

That's all I gotta say.Got a lot of stuff to do.Cya~

He missed @
8:17 PM

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Hey hey people...Sorry really haven't been blogging much.

What can I say?Life's kinda hectic now.But hopefully it'll all be alright sooner or later,and I'm just gonna have to endure till then.After all,it's just less than 2 years.Work's harder than school,isn't it?So might as well enjoy school life for now.

And yeah this is to a particular someone:

I'm really sorry.I know I jump to conclusions a lot.And most of the time my assumptions aren't true.I guess I did that deliberately to annoy you.In the end I succeeded,but to the expense of nearly losing a friend.It's just that sometimes I feel that you can be really emotionless and not giving a damn about what is going on.It really pisses me off when others are putting in so much effort while you're not.But it's my fault too,cause I keep losing my temper and saying things which are obviously not true and are hurtful.I'm really sorry.And I know I always sound like I don't trust you,but it's just that sometimes I dunno if you say things cause you really mean it or just for the sake of saying it.It's so hard to read you that sometimes,I just wanna give up on you.But then I would be too ashamed to call myself a friend.Just hope all this can be settled soon.But for now,I'll wait for you to initiate,cause I've been doing that one time too many.

Anyway this week was wow.Rushed to do Preliminary Ideas(PI) for Project Work(thank goodness it's only a draft...The deadline for the final one is on 4th May).Half of Good Friday was spent going to The Republic Cultural Centre(TRCC) to try out the hall for band.It's the venue for this year's SYF for JC bands.My conductor calls it the 'boom-boom hall''cause a lot of echo is being produced which causes our articulation to be muffled.

So many things have happened that I can't remember what happened.All I know is SYF is coming and so is A level Mother Tongue listening and oral.Also,I'll be going to Europe on the first week of June,right after my GP paper.So many things to look forward to and dread,but I guess what I'm really looking forward to is when I'm able to enjoy life with my family and friends without having too many things to worry about.Hopefully that day will come soon.

And one more thing,thanks everyone for their support yeah.I know I complaint a lot these past few days,but I'll try to perservere.I guess that's what life's all about.Hopefully everything's gonna be fine soon.

He missed @
9:09 AM

Friday, April 3, 2009

Sigh...I dunno what's the problem.

This week really sucked....And I really mean really sucked.

And I realised that till this day,I still stand my ground about my dislike for teachers.

Why do teachers humiliate students?Don't they know that students have feelings?Do they know that we have dignity too?We're humans.We make mistakes.Why can't you understand that??

So many people cried these past few days.Is this what school should really be like?I thought it should be a place where we make friends and be happy...Like a second home.But now,it's becoming more like a prison.Lots of people aren't happy.They don't have time to have a good rest and spend time with their loved ones.

Sometimes I just wish that everything would just stop.We wouldn't have to care about this anymore.We'll just live carefree lives.When do we really get to enjoy life?What's the meaning of life?Isn't it to be happy?Or something more superficial?

I wish I knew the answer....

He missed @
9:34 PM

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sometimes I wonder if some teachers realised that students are humans too.

And sometimes,I wonder if these teachers are humans themselves.

Recently,a teacher scolded my class for being the worst 4 H2 class she has ever seen. Well,I can't argue with the fact that it was our fault for not submitting our homework on time.But what really pissed me off was that we chose to go to a 4 H2 class not because we thought than we're better than the rest but because of other less shallow reasons.If we were worse than the rest,then we wouldn't even be in this class because they would have taken our places,wouldn't they?Seriously...

And yeah,our concepts are all wrong.But isn't that what learning is all about?Making mistakes and learning from them?You think that we made those mistakes for fun?So that we could see you reprimand us like that?We are humans.We learn from our mistakes.It's only March for goodness sake.And everything needs time.We are sorry for all that we've done,but don't jump to illogical conclusions and make us sound like we don't want to learn,cause that's what we're here for.

And yeah,SYF is coming.In fact for many,it's already here.It's a very stressful period and juggling CCA,studies,friends and family is a fantastic feat.I'm just hoping that people out there try and understand what these people are going through.These people include family,friends and yes,teachers.Please don't expect miracles from us.And please don't say things like 'I don't care if you got SYF,all I want are results.' or 'who asked you to join these kind of time-consuming CCAs'.

Firstly,we will give you good results PROVIDED you show some kind of understanding as to what we're going through.If my Economics teacher can understand,why can't the rest?SYF's only once in every 2 years.It's now or never,unless we retain which I'm sure a lot of us don't want that to happen right?SYF's also coming in May.If maybe,just maybe,you could give us some form of leniency from now till then,then we could definitely work harder after that.I'm not saying we shouldn't do any homework or anything,I'm just saying that if the deadline for submission could be postponed to a later date,then that would be more than enough.Even just postponing for one or two days is good enough,cause we can do a lot in one or two days.

Secondly,WE were the ones who chose to join our CCA.Some may have used this CCA to appeal or to come here via DSA.For people like me,who came to this school via merit,I joined band cause I like to play as a band.And of course,I like music.Reasons why I didn't join choir was because singing isn't really my thing and because I don't want my playing skills for flute to go to waste.I'm suggesting taking flute classes again after my A levels.Anyway,we know what we should be expecting by joining such CCAs.We know that there would be a lot of commitment involved.We got ourselves into this.What we really want is just for people to understand.I think for now,moral support is really the key to coping with all these obstacles.I have my family's and friend's support.There's just one more group of people that I hope will support these people who are going through this difficult period.I don't think I need to mention what this group is.

To all those going through a difficult time,all the best!We're all in this together.It's ok to let out all your anger and frustration.But just don't let it control you.If I suddenly breakdown for no reason,then my apologies in advance.Haha it already happened once,and that guy was pretty freaked out.So sorry! =P Good luck to everyone!Take care! XD

He missed @
4:22 PM